On September 19 and 20 the first International PLEXOR® Distributor Meeting was held in Doesburg, with distributors from all around the world participating. The event offered the opportunity to meet and learn from each other and exchange experiences about working with and selling PLEXOR®. In addition, the latest PLEXOR® developments were shown (RESULTS software and slam-shut trip detection). Also, there were very interesting and valuable presentations from two customers; Mr. Wim van Erp and Albert den Boef from Stedin in Holland and Mr. Volker Diekemper from Leitungspartner in Germany. They shared further details about their initial reasons to start working with PLEXOR® and what savings and advantages it has brought them over the years.
Next to the official program there was also time for some leisure activities. On Wednesday afternoon, a visit was paid to the Open-Air Museum in Arnhem to expose the international group to some fine Dutch culture.