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+31 313 47 19 98 |


RS350S – Pilot operated gas pressure regulator with unique design

The unique design of the new RS350S pilot operated gas pressure regulator offers short response times, high accuracy and stability over a wide flow and pressure range. The pilot has an integrated control system. Because of this the RS350S regulator maintains a stable outlet pressure at varying inlet pressures.

Thanks to its excellent dynamic properties, the RS350S regulator can be used in both distribution stations and industrial installations. The RS350S regulator is manufactured in-house in the Netherlands. This, together with the modular design, results in short delivery times. The RS350S is factory-fitted with a slam shut valve that can be equipped with automatic trip detection. The pressure regulator is designed for “plug & play” installation and delivered with customer-specific settings.

Innovative insert (European patent granted)

The new innovative insert integrates the valve, the valve seat and roller diaphragm into one easy-to-replace module. Maintenance of the pressure regulator and/or change of KG value can be carried out easily. In addition, the insert can be set-up at the factory so that fit and function is guaranteed on site. The insert can be changed within 15 minutes. The RS350S regulator is available with 5 different valve sizes so that a KG-range from 185 to 1250 Nm3/h is covered with the DN50 version.

The insert is available separately and comes in a reusablebox that can be used when returning the insert.

The benefits of the pilot operated gas pressure regulator RS350S

  • When changing the insert, the gas control line is only a quarter of an hour out of operation
  • Fit and function of the insert can be set-up at the factory/offline
  • Only a limited number of spare inserts required for maintenance instead of a full range of parts
  • Changing the KG value can be done by just changing the insert and is therefore relatively inexpensive
  • The insert can be overhauled by Wigersma & Sikkema (circular)
  • Inlet pressure independent
  • High accuracy and stability
  • “plug & play” installation
  • Low noise level


High quality components are used to ensure corrosion protection. The use of these components significantly extends the lifespan of the pressure regulator. The RS350S regulator can be used without maintenance, depending on the application, for a period of 10 years. All our pressure regulators are manufactured in-house by Wigersma & Sikkema, and adjusted and tested for the specific user application with PLEXOR®, our unique inspection system. Wigersma & Sikkema is renowned for its short delivery times and optimal service.

For more information, please contact our inside sales department or send an email to

STEP-Files RS350S

Adapters for the RS350S

With the adapters for the RS350S it is possible to easily replace other (old) regulators with a different inlet and outlet side (e.g. RMG 402 and 408) with the RS350S.

Here are some possibilities (other lengths or sizes are available on request):

As the RS350S is very compact, it can be used as a replacement for various other (obsolete) gas pressure regulators without having to change the gas pressure regulation system. The installation dimension of the DN50 version of the RS350S is only 230 mm!

Instruction videos for the maintenance of the RS350S gas pressure regulator.

Wigersma & Sikkema shows through these videos the complete maintenance of the DN50 RS350S Regulator. There are 4 videos in which you can see the following:
Video 1: Maintenance of the RS350S housing including the disc;
Video 2: Maintenance of the SSV (Slam Shut Valve);
Video 3: Maintenance of the pilot;
Video 4: Setting and adjusting of the regulator.

Video 1: In this video you see the complete maintenance of the RS350S housing including the disc.


Video 2: In this video you see the complete maintenance of the SSV (Slam Safety Valve).


Video 3: In this video you see the complete maintenance of the Pilot.


Video 4: In this video you see the setting and the adjusting of the regulator.

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