+31 313 47 19 98 |
+31 313 47 19 98 |

Corporate Social Responsibility

Statement of Principles of and on Corporate Social Responsibility

Company profile

Wigersma & Sikkema develops, produces and sells volume converters, gas pressure regulators and inspection systems for the natural gas market.

Scope for FIRA

Development, production and sales of volume converters, gas pressure regulators and inspection systems for the natural gas market by    Wigersma & Sikkema (kvk number 09003148).

 Our Commitment

Wigersma & Sikkema endorses the importance of corporate social responsibility. We are committed to serving the interests of our clients, employees, shareholders and the community through practical applications in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

We subscribe to the principles of corporate social responsibility. We commit ourselves to:

  • Liability: being liable for the impact of our activities on the community, the economy and the environment;
  • Transparency: being open about our decisions and activities that have an impact on the community and the environment;
  • Ethical behaviour: displaying ethical behaviour at all times;
  • Respect for stakeholders: respect, consider and respond to the interests of our stakeholders;
  • Respect for legislation: respect applicable laws and regulations;
  • Respect for international standards of behaviour: respect international standards of behaviour, in combination with respect for laws and regulations;
  • Respect for human rights: respect human rights and recognise both their importance and comprehensiveness.

We will map out our CSR aspects, establish clear CSR policies and related objectives, develop and maintain a CSR programme and management system and make sufficient resources available to comply with the CSR principles. Management and employees are expected to actively contribute to this.

We will annually review our CSR policy and objectives to ensure that they are still in line with our vision for the future.

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