+31 313 47 19 98 |
+31 313 47 19 98 |



Only a few DN100 units of the RS300S are still available. Its successor is the RS350S.

The gas pressure regulator RS300S uniquely combines high accuracy with speed. This pilot operated regulator is available with or without an attached slam-shut valve, which can be provided with a cut-off signal. With its excellent dynamic properties the RS300S is highly suitable as a distribution regulator and as a regulator for supply and burner plants. With its specific design the regulator can easily be maintained and installed. Furthermore, it is a low-noise system. Quality and reliability have been proven over more than a decade.


  • Nominal sizes DN 80 – DN 100
  • Pressure class PN 10
  • Outlet pressure 0.02 – 6.4 bar
  • Accuracy class 2.5
  • Lock-up pressure class 5 and time to close according to KE74
  • KG value 2.270 – 3,600
  • Gas outlet velocity
  • Complies with the European standards

Selection tool

With our web tool you can simply select the model pressure regulator from the RS300S/RS350S series and calculate the capacity at minimum and (optional) maximum inlet pressure.


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