+31 313 47 19 98 |
+31 313 47 19 98 |

RS350S gas pressure regulator now also available with adapters!

We have added adapters to the delivery programme of the RS350S gas pressure regulator. With these adapters it is possible to easily replace other (old) regulators with a different inlet and outlet side (e.g. RMG 402 and 408) with the RS350S.

Here are some possibilities (other lengths or sizes are available on request):

As the RS350S is very compact, it can be used as a replacement for various other (obsolete) gas pressure regulators without having to change the gas pressure regulation system. The installation dimension of the DN50 version of the RS350S is only 230 mm!

With a filling ring, the DN50 version of the RS350S can be extended to the DIN standard of 254 mm and the DN80 version to 310 mm.

Some other main advantages/features of the RS350S series are:

  • The DN50 version has a highly innovative insert that has now been patented. This allows the valve, seat, rolling diaphragm and O-rings to be changed within 15 minutes. The entire insert is changed with a replacement insert. The replaced insert can be sent back to Wigersma & Sikkema in the box of the replacement insert for reconditioning. Of course, you can also overhaul/clean it yourself. In this way you have a spare insert in stock for the next insert change. We have made some handy videos with all the steps needed to overhaul our RS350S regulator. You can find them here: RS350S – Gas pressure regulator).

The video where the insert is replaced can be found here:

  • If the valve size of the regulator needs to be changed when converting from L-gas to H-gas, this can also be done very easily by replacing the insert.

For more information or a quotation please please send an email to or contact us by phone at +31 (0) 313 47 19 98

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