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Wigersma & Sikkema, Hansegas and DBI cooperate in methane reduction project using PLEXOR

One of the key-features of the PLEXOR inspection system is that it can be used to significantly reduce methane emission during functional inspection and maintenance of gas pressure regulating stations (GPRS).

To further optimize the inspection procedure and quantify the actual reduction of methane emissions a joint project was set-up with Hansegas and DBI. Hansegas is a long-time user of PLEXOR (since 2001) and part of EON, and DBI (a daughter company of German DVGW) is an independent research organization.

Two GPRS’s from Hansegas were tested on September 28, 2021; a dual-line low pressure station, and a dual-line medium pressure station.

Compared with the traditional manual functional inspection and Hansegas’ current inspection procedure with PLEXOR already a significant reduction of methane emissions with resp. 21% and 26% is shown. With the optimized inspection procedure it is even more spectacular; a reduction of resp. 92% and 86% !

The full report generated by DBI can be found here.

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