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The RS350S gas pressure regulator extensively tested for accuracy, response time, and inlet pressure sensitivity

Wigersma & Sikkema RS350S Gas pressure regulator

At the request of Wigersma & Sikkema B.V., Qirion Energy Consulting (EC) conducted a series of functional tests on our RS350S DN 50 PN16 gas pressure regulator on 16 and 17 March 2022.

Qirion EC is a technical consultancy firm in the field of energy.  The tests were carried out at the test facility of Qirion EC in Amsterdam.

The purpose of these tests was to test the functional operation of the RS350S gas pressure regulator at inlet pressures of 1 and 7 bar and outlet pressures of 21 and 100 mbar. The control accuracy, the response time and the inlet pressure sensitivity were determined.

The control accuracy tests at both an inlet pressure of 1 bar and 7 bar and an outlet pressure of 21 and 100 (110) mbar show that the measured outlet pressures over the entire control range fall within the specified accuracy class of 2.5% for outlet pressures >50 mbar and 5% for outlet pressures <50 mbar.

The response time tests showed that with normal closing (about 10 seconds) the outlet pressures in the tests with 110 mbar fall within the specified closing pressure class of 5%. An excess of the closing pressure class of 10% was observed in the tests with an outlet pressure of 21 mbar. The erratic nature of the outlet pressure due to the ejector used by Qirion EC for underpressure is most likely responsible for this. At an inlet pressure of 7 bar, the closing pressure was below 10%. These tests were carried out on the distribution version of the RS350S regulator. There is also a delivery version of this gas pressure regulator which has even faster response times. It closes within 0.5 seconds from 100-0% valve stroke.

The inlet sensitivity variation found between inlet pressure between 7 bar (start value) and full valve opening (approximately 3.5 bar) is 0.2% for the 110 mbar tests and 0.4% for the 21 mbar tests. The inlet sensitivity is thus well within the set run-rate of 0.5% and 1.0% respectively.

You can view Qirion’s extensive test report by clicking on the image below.

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